Tuesday, March 24, 2009

" The Small Things Mean So Much "

I love the color RED. And when this came in the mail ~ I was reduced to tears. What a lovely surprise ! Beth of ~ " Barn Owl Studio " is a collage artist. She and I started blogging about the same time. We became quick friends. I have loved her work from the first time I saw it. She's quite gifted, although she is hesitant to say so. So it is with " we " artist we're our own worst critics! But her work speaks for itself !!!Beth had a little trouble with her blog one day and I with
all " MY " computer savyness went over to help!
Well, her problem got fixed~~
BUT~~ I lost my background~~~ so what did this computer guru DO ???
I sent out an ~~S.O.S.~~to
none other than the computer wizard~~~
Dawn ~~at ~ " The Feathered Nest "
You see Dawn ( whom some of us lovingly call "mamabird" )
was the first person to encouraged us to step out~~
spread our wings and fly!!
Mamabird ~fixed my booboo and made it all better!!!
Well~~~my one small act of kindness touched Beth~~
and Beth has touched me~~
I truly am humbled by her act of kindness.
I now own a piece of her art work !!
For me that means alot~~
it came from her heart~~made by her hands~
You see blogging is more than pretty pictures, although we all love them~~ it's about community~it's reaching out beyond our own needs and trying to meet the needs of others~~it's ministry~~it's" BEING JESUS " IN THAT MOMENT ~to that one person you are touching right then~~~we ALL have a message~ we ALL can do something to help ease the suffering of others~ IT STARTS WITH JUST ONE SMALL ACT OF KINDNESS ~~~BY ONE WILLING HEART~~~YOU~~~ME~~~WE TOGETHER~ FORM AN ARMY~~~A FORMIDABLE ARMY~~~LET'S SPREAD HIS LOVE~~~WHAT WILL BE YOUR ~SMALL~RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS~~~REMEMBER~~UNITED WE STAND~~~UNITED WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE~~UNITED ~~" WE "~~~CAN BRING ABOUT CHANGE~~IT'S NOT ABOUT THE POWERS THAT BE THAT WILL BRING ABOUT CHANGE~~~IT'S ABOUT THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE~~JOHN13:35~~~BY THIS SHALL ALL MEN KNOW YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES, IF YOU HAVE LOVE ONE TO ANOTHER...............Lord, Please Begin With Me.......Beth ~ you've touched me more than you know~~you are indeed a Treasure!!!